About Myofascial Release
Fascia is a three-dimensional web that surrounds every bone, muscle, nerve, organ, and vessel down to the cellular level, from head to foot or head to hoof. Elastin, collagen, and a fluid-ground substance are their components. Restrictions can develop in fascia from trauma, poor posture, and repetitive training. These restrictions can create pain, swelling, misalignments, poor muscular biomechanics, decreased range of motion, cranio/sacral restrictions, emotional blockages and reduced strength, and lameness. Additionally, fascia can lose its pliability, collagen can become dense and fibrous, and the ground substance can solidify. Standard tests will not show a fascial restriction.

Myofascial Release is a hands-on, whole body, manual therapy technique addressing the fascial system. Therapists use MFR to elongate the fascial tissue with gentle pressure into the restriction or tissue barrier. After releasing through several barriers, the tissue becomes soft and pliable. The technique releases restriction from pain-sensitive areas and restores motion.
Myofascial Release differs from massage and chiropractic manipulation. Myofascial release applies sustained pressure into the fascial system affecting the elastin, collagen, and ground substance. It allows for the release of soft tissue restrictions that alter bony alignment and performs osseous releases slowly without manipulation.